How To Get Your Questions Answered.
Our staff functions are broken down by which chapter of bankruptcy your are filing, Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, and whether you are waiting to file or have already filed, pre-filing or post-filing. All other administrative functions are listed separately below with the contact.
To make, reschedule, or cancel an appointment with us call Tracy at (800)662-8813 or email [email protected].

To make a payment you can do so online at the link above. To check your balance you can call Lynn or Eva at (757)340-4895 or send an email inquiry to [email protected].

Pre-filing Chapter 7 & 13:
If you have a question about the documents or requirements to filing your case contact Ashley at (757)340-4895 or email her at [email protected].

Post-filing Chapter 7:
So you have already filed your Chapter 7 case and have a question about a hearing, reaffirmation, documents, etc., call Tom at (757)340-4895 or email [email protected].

Post-filing Chapter 13:
So you have already filed your Chapter 13 case and have a question about a hearing, documents, changes to your circumstance, call Chandra at (757)340-4895 or email [email protected].